• Contact us via email: info@exposogas.eu


About the project

The EXPOSOGAS project is a 3-year project which aims to develop the research and innovation capacity of the Cyprus International Institute for Environmental and Public Health and to promote the training and career development of its researchers in the field of occupational/environmental health sciences for workers directly involved with oil/gas activities, including health surveillance of surrounding communities, using human Exposome tools.


The EXPOSOGAS project has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No


Main objectives

Improve skills and knowledge of CUT-CII
Improve scientific background and technical knowledge
Develop resources and expertise for current staff
advisory board

Meet our advisory board

External experts recognized for their expertise in the field of the project will be appointed to give advice on strategic project orientations and on all matters of importance relating to project planning and implementation.

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