Tim graduated with an MSc in environmental science from Wageningen University. He completed his PhD in occupational and environmental health at Utrecht University in 2009. His PhD research focused on the development and evaluation of interventions to reduce occupational asthma. After this he worked as a researcher and project manager in occupational health and exposure science at TNO with a focus on health impact assessment and cost-benefit analyses of intervention programs. In 2013 Tim joined the Risk Science Team in Shell Health to work as an exposure scientist and risk assessor. In his current job his time is divided between support of global (regulatory) risk assessment and management activities and the global worker health protection program. An important part of this program is the development and implementation of innovative technologies (sensors, data analytics, models, digitalization) to assess, manage and prevent human health risks. Tim is the chair of the ECETOC human exposure and data Task Force and active in several research programs including CEFIC LRI. Tim has (co)authored 30 peer reviewed publication on various topics related to chemical risk -and occupational exposure assessment.